Specialised excavator cylinder guards by ChromeGuard

ChromeGuard's patented excavator cylinder guard system offers unparalleled protection against damage during on-site operations, extending the life of your machinery’s hydraulic cylinders. With a unique polyethylene design, ChromeGuard provides advanced impact absorption and rapid shape recovery, ensuring long-lasting durability in even the most challenging mining and earthmoving environments.

ChromeGuard's patented excavator cylinder guard system offers unparalleled protection against damage during on-site operations, extending the life of your machinery’s hydraulic cylinders.

ChromeGuard's innovative cylinder protection technology

At ChromeGuard, our expertise lies in developing state-of-the-art excavator cylinder guards that have set new benchmarks in the industry. Our innovative protective system is meticulously engineered to offer unmatched resilience, effectively absorbing and recovering from severe impacts more efficiently than conventional metal guards. 

This advanced capability is achieved through our unique polyethylene design, which withstands harsh impacts and quickly regains its original shape, ensuring sustained protection over long operational periods. ChromeGuard is crucial in safeguarding your machinery fleet against the intense challenges of large-scale mining and earthmoving operations, significantly enhancing performance, longevity, and reliability.

ChomeGuard’s excavator cylinder guards encase the hydraulic cylinder and shield it from external impacts, debris, and potential damage during intensive ground engagement activities. With a cutting-edge polyethylene design, ChromeGuard's cylinder guards ensure that hydraulic cylinders are consistently protected, reducing the risk of damage and the associated downtime for repairs. Their ease of installation, with no mechanical fixtures required, makes these guards a practical and efficient solution for enhancing the longevity and reliability of your excavation equipment.

How do ChomeGuard’s excavator cylinder guards work?

Why choose ChromeGuard?

Our guards are designed for heavy-duty use and can withstand the harsh conditions of hard rock and open-pit mining. They protect your equipment and significantly reduce maintenance costs and downtime, ultimately boosting your operation's productivity and profitability. With easy installation, our excavator guards can be fitted to most models and other machinery types.

Key benefits of ChromeGuard's excavator cylinder guards:

  • Enhanced durability: Specially designed for the rigours of hard rock and open-pit mining.
  • Superior protection: Shields machinery from extreme impact and accidental damage.
  • Impact resilience: The polyethylene design effectively absorbs and quickly recovers from harsh impacts.
  • Cost-effective: Significantly reduces maintenance and repair costs while extending the machinery’s performance life.
  • Downtime reduction: Minimises equipment downtime and keeps your operations running smoothly.
  • 24x7 support: Round-the-clock customer service to assist with any queries or concerns.

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Get Chromeguard's excavator hydraulic protection system for your machine model

Ensure long-lasting on-site performance for your heavy machinery with ChromeGuard. Contact us today for a tailored solution to protect your fleet

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The ChromeGuard product range

Contact us

Contact ChromeGuard today to learn more about our excavator cylinder protection system and how it can optimise your mining or earthmoving operations. Call us now or complete our online form for a personalised consultation.

Phone: (08) 9020 7181

Address: 21 Wicks St, Perth WA 6053, Australia

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